A Christmas Sandwich

Its cold outside, the shops are starting to get Christmas stock in and all I can think about is Cheese, Wine, Cranberry sauce and mince pies! Try this tasty but balanced Christmas Sandwich.

Servings: 1


About 180g Crusty Ciabatta Bread/ Roll

90g Roast Turkey Breast/ Cooked Chicken Breast/ Portobello Mushrooms & Roasted Sprouts

1tbsp Cranberry Sauce

1tbsp Lightest Cream Cheese

20g Brie (not for the pregnant ladies) / Unpasteurised Wensleydale Cheese with cranberries or apricots


  1. Warm the bread through under a hot grill.

  2. Spread the cranberry sauce on one side and the cream cheese on the other.

  3. Load the meat on and pop the Brie on top.

  4. Pop it open back under the grill to melt the Brie.

1 Portion = 1C 1F 1P