Turkey Steaks with Chorizo, Sprouts and Hastleback Potatoes

The best way to cook a potato!

Serves 1


140g Turkey steak

20g Choritzo cut into small cubes

100g Sprouts

200g Baby potatoes


1. Make small cuts down the potato width ways a few mm apart, ensuring you don't cut all the way to the bottom. Carefully try and open them up a little, spray with 1 cal and season with salt. Put them in the oven at 200 degrees until cooked and crisp.

2. Put the sprouts in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain and cut in half.

3. Fry the chorizo for a minute until the fat is released and then add the sprouts, cook until everything is browned and the sprouts are soft.

4. Grill the turkey steaks until cooked through.

5. Serve the turkey with the sprouts and chorizo on top and the hastleback potatoes in the side.


1 portion=1P 1C 1F 1V