At Home Workout L

So here are 4 workouts to do each week, they will take some time to get used to, although some of the exercises are similar to what we have done. Each one is around 45 Minutes so stretch off after and work at a good intensity. If its a timed workout download the smart WOD timer…i will tell you what to set each workout to.


NO equiptment, although can introduce in the exercises which are starred


30 Overhead Squats pulling a T-TOWEL tight overhead with straight arms

20 Walkouts, walking hands from feet

10 Burpees, stepping in and out is fine

CIRCUIT, set timer to TABATA 60 seconds work, 20 seconds rest 10 rounds. Just continue the circuit twice over then nice long rest before you go again for 10 rounds

  1. Squats*

  2. Hand Realse Press ups/ press ups

  3. Swing Lunge right side, Front lunge swinging back into back lunge

  4. Shoulder plank taps

  5. Swing Lunge Left side, Front lunge swinging back into back lunge



1 Dumbell / kettlebell Workout




1 Arm snatch alternate arms

Front lunge into press, shoulder press oppsoite leg to arm, 21 each side

Workthrough all exercises for 40 reps lighter weight, Increase weight workouthrough all exercises at 30 reps, then 20, then 10 increasing the weight each time

  1. 1 Arm Snatch, alternate arms

  2. 1 Arm Squat Press, alternate arms

  3. 1 Arm wide leg up row, alternate arms

  4. 1 Arm Lunge Press, alternative leg to arm, switch when half way through

  5. Kettlebell or dumbell swings

Cadrio 10 Minute HITT, set timer for 10 minutes keep working through the exercises until 10 minutes up

20 Mountain climbers

20 Plank Leg lifts (count t three, alternate legs)

20 Russan twists, slow and controlld

20 Squat Jumps


EMOM, Set timer to EMOM every 1 for 7

Every minute on the minute do 10 burpees, whatever remaining of minute is rest until the next round

EMOM, Set timer to EMOM every 1 for 7 same as above

10 Press Ups on Knees if needed

EMOM as above, 7 mins

10 Bent over row, 1 arm at a time, 10 on each arm 12kg KB, stagger feet, flat back

EMOM as above 7 mins

10 Deep weighted Squat, back leg touching calf muscle back straigth

EMOM as above 7 mins

8-10 Strict Shoulder press, if using kettle bell one arm at a time

EMOM as above 7 mins

Plank for 45 seconds rest for the 15, slight dip in hips to each side switching whole time in plank


666 warm up- do all exercises for 6 reps each then once complete complete another 5 rounds

6 squat press

6 hi- low- up dog- high plank (no down dog)

6 Walking Lunges

6 Scapula press ups, in plank move shoulder blades together then apart by rounding back…no movement anywhere else apart from shoulders and slight bend of arm

6 Hip Thrusts

6 Clean and press, if using one arm then switch each rep, 3 on each side

x 6 rounds

21-15-9 workouts, do one at a time for 21-15-9 then move on to next lot


KB swings

Squat Press

Step Ups, High step…like a wall or sturdy chair not a kerb, alternate legs


1 Arm alternative DB snatch

Weight at chest Front Lunges

1 Arm Row each side


Press ups, on knees or hand release

Hip Thrusts 15kg Ball

Burpees to the floor